Contact us.
Studio Location:
431 Eastern Boulevard, 2nd Floor
Essex, MD 212221
Metered street parking is available in front of our building all along Eastern Blvd. YES! You need to feed the meter during business hours. Meter maids in Essex are serious people so please save your change!
We also have a free private lot behind our building. You can access the lot from Eastern Blvd. by turning onto S. Taylor Ave and turning Right onto the first cross street, Virginia Ave. You’ll pass the post office main lot, fenced lot and ours has a small sign that says, “Parking for 431 Eastern Blvd.”
Mailing Address:
408 S Taylor Ave Essex, MD 21221
Zombie Media:
Yoga Mouth doesn’t find anything social about social media. We use our social media prescence for updates, events and a public portfolio of our programs. If you want the up to date information please follow us. But if you want to connect with us text/call/or find us on the mats!
Follow us via your zombie devices on FB and Ig @yogamouthcollective